Clover had a tea party.
Daddy & Miles dressed in matching UGA clothes
Princess Clover & Princess Ava played together
Co Co got her "ears-a-pierced" (that's how she says it)
she LOVES them
Mommy got a haircut & Clo acted like a goof.
She laughed REALLY hard during a sand war with Mommy.
Mommy won.
She read a little.
Mr.Man did some swinging.
"JonSam" came to visit!
We celebrated Jon's 26th Birthday!
Clover & Ava played on the table.
Sam held MJ while I held Ava True.
He made me smile. again & again.
We went to Stone Mountain
and rode the train.
I carried him in the moby wrap.
Clover & Ava = BFF's 4LIFE
She played in the water.
He had some important meetings.
They dressed alike.
Miles ate solids for the first time!
and looked like a little animal.
he liked the rice cereal.
Miles Jonathon Daugherty turned 6 months old!
and is the sweetest Momma's boy
she danced in a purple skirt.
It was a good month.