I'm a bad blogger...Well really, I'm a tired blogger.
Pregnant + stay-at-home Mom to a 2 year old = my free time is spent sleeping with Clover (because really, the only "free time" I have is when she's asleep, and most of the time, I can barely keep my eyes open at that point).
Needless to say, here are some highlights since my last post... on September 3rd - ouch.
Well, most of September (until I was 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant) was spent feeling like crap, trying not to throw up, and trying to keep my eyes open, all while playing with Clover and feeling guilty when I let her watch tv because all I wanted to do was lay on the couch.
We also spent quite a few days at the "beach" at a lake close to our house. Clover loved the water and the sand!
The first week of October we took an unplanned trip out to Arkansas to see Dustin’s parents. He had a week off work (that was also unplanned) so we decided if he had to use his vacation time, we had better go on a vacation!
Dustin's parents gave Clover a bike for her birthday!
Clover also went on a boat for the first time and learned how to fish!
Here is an attempt at a picture with Clover's great-grandparents. It wasn't working out very well (and this was the best picture!)
October 12th – Jon and Sam came to visit! Sam is Jon’s girlfriend, and Clover is absolutely in love with her (well, so am I)!
October 16th – Hudson, or as Clover calls him “handsome man”, was baptized.
October 20th – I took Ava and Clover to Atlanta’s Botanical Gardens. They had a blast running all through the children’s garden there.
Mid-October – Clover enjoyed a few trips to the pumpkin patch! She loved picking out her own pumpkin, and helping carve our pumpkin!
October 31st - Clover got her first infection - a uti...so sad :( but, she was in good enough spirits to dress up as Jessie from Toy Story and go trick-or-treating with her friends!
November 6th – Clover 2nd birthday party with her friends! It was a fairy theme and she had a blast!! (I don't have a lot of pictures from her party yet! more later!)
November 9th - Clover Anne turned 2!
November 10th - we found out baby # 2 is a boy! His name will be Miles Jonathon (Jonathon after my brother)
Thanksgiving week - We went to visit our family in Indiana! It was Dustin's 1st time there, and his 1st time meeting a lot of my family! (some of them were starting to question if he really existed)
November 29th – December 6th – Dustin’s parents came for a visit! We took them with us to storytime at the library (where Clover knows every single song and has such a blast at), we went to see the movie Tangled (CUTE movie!), saw Santa at the mall and went to the Woodstock Christmas Parade!
December 5th – my good friend,
Megan, took some wonderful family pictures of us! If you’re anywhere in the Atlanta area, I would HIGHLY recommend her. (
www.megdavidsonphotography.com) Not because she is my friend, but because she is a wonderful photographer. She is amazing with kids, knows exactly when to take the best, candid shots, and shoots beautiful photos. (plus, she’s reasonably priced!) Seriously, she got my stubborn 2 year to smile in all of the shots and we were only there about 20 minutes! I can’t get Clover to actually stand still, look at the camera AND do a normal smile… EVER!
23 weeks pregnant

December 7th – Clover had an ultrasound at Scottish Rite – Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Since she had the previous uti (and I have a strong history of them and other kidney/bladder issues) they wanted to do an ultrasound of her kidneys and bladder to make sure everything is okay. She did amazing during the ultrasound. Smiled, laughed… made me so proud… but then, they did another test to check for reflux in the bladder. This one involved a catheter… and radiation… which meant that I (being pregnant) couldn’t be in the room during the radiation. It was one of the worst experiences I’ve had so far as a parent. I had to stand outside of the room for about 8 minutes listening to my baby scream my name over and over again. Oh, I sobbed. They are so great with children though, right when I walked back into the room, she was all smiles and so proud of herself! She left with a bear with a clover leaf on it (which she now calls her “hospital bear”), a reindeer mug, a sticker and a pink balloon. Oh, and perfectly normal test results!
December 8th – Clover decorated an ornament and painted Christmas pictures with a few of her best friends.
December 9th – My baby sister, Ava True, turned 4! She is growing up SO fast. I just love watching her and Clover play together now. They are so sweet to each other and Ava is so patient with Clover.
Well, that's quite a recap! Hopefully it makes up for the past couple of months ;)